This week’s top last-minute holiday deals, from Cornwall to Nepal

We’ve found 12 cut-price trips for spring and beyond, including a discounted Mother’s Day getaway and snow-sure Austrian skiing

Stupa in Swayambhunath Monkey Temple, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Save up to £520 on a tour of Nepal that takes in the Monkey temple in Kathmandu
The Times

Astronomically speaking, spring starts when the vernal equinox takes place this Thursday. As much as it’s a time of optimism, it’s also a time to get planning — whether it’s Easter or the summer holidays, you really need to get cracking before all the good stuff goes and flight prices become impossible. That said, it’s not too late to fit in a ski trip before Europe’s season ends, or to treat yourself to a Caribbean break before the summer hurricane season. Read on for inspiration, with a saving each time.

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How about taking Mum on a surprise weekend away for Mother’s Day on March 30? Malmaison’s “Bed and Bubbles” deal discounts a night’s B&B and